
Onsite Assessments Tas is operated by me, Richard Mason. I completed a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences in 1983, following which I worked as an Environmental Health Officer in Local Government where I was responsible for regulating the design and installation of on-site wastewater management systems such as septic tanks and undertaking investigation and remediation of failed systems.
I established my own private consultancy in on-site wastewater management in 2004 and now I have over 25 years experience in the field, both through local government and in private practice; this includes design and supervision of new installations, renovation/replacement of existing failing septic tank systems and assessment and input into design of on-site wastewater management for new subdivisions.
I have designed on-site wastewater management systems not just for individual homes but also for holiday unit developments, childcare centres, sporting clubs, tourism operations, caravan parks, camping grounds, cafe-restaurants, rural depots and factories and public toilet facilities, throughout mainland Tasmania and the Bass Strait Islands.
I also pioneered the design and use of bottomless sand filters in Tasmania, for use on sites with limited space and poorly absorbent clay subsoils or shallow bedrock. I am an Accredited Building Services (Hydraulic) Designer and am independent of any onsite wastewater management system supplier or installer.